Failures caused by accidents, old age or just simple defects happen all the time. Just because it happens doesn’t mean the device is unusable anymore or that it needs to be replaced. At our company we believe in device longevity as we take into account the possibility of repairing the item first then if needed the replacement of the faulty part or device as a final solution.

Due to the multiple ways a device may encounter errors or failures, a thorough examination will underline the repair required. Even though components structures stay the same, the multitude of platforms may require specialized components or fixes. From a simple OS reload, software install, or to an extensive component replacement, we test, monitor and ensure that your devices’ normal functionality is restored to its original out of box state or as close as possible. Parts, availability and work hours needed are taken into account when it comes to the final pricing.

Screen repairs/replacement

Keyboard repairs/replacement

Case repairs/replacement

Parts repairs/replacement

Software install

OS reload